Input specifications:
- Sample preparation:
The samples used for training were isolated as follows:- Mice were sacrificed by CO2-mediated euthanasia. In some cases this was followed by intracardiac perfusion with 10 mL PBS and then 10 mL 4% PFA, following protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- In some cases, mice were perfused via injection of 10mL PBS and 10 mL 4% PFA into the left ventricle.
- Organs were excised from the mouse carcass and placed into plastic cassettes.
- Cassettes were fixed in 10% formalin for 72 hrs, rinsed 2X in PBS, and then placed in 70% Ethanol
- Optional: Liver lobes are separated manually with a razor blade; this improves surface area of the organ that gets sectioned and imaged.
- Optional: Brains are sectioned into thirds coronally with a razor blade; this improves surface area of the organ that gets sectioned and imaged.
- **waiting to hear from Ex path**
- Livers: Lobes were arranged such that a single section cuts through all lobes. 2 levels were taken, 100 uM apart, for a total of 2 sections per mouse.
- Brains: brain thirds are arranged such that a single section cuts through all 3 parts. 2 levels are taken, roughly ⅓ and ⅔ through the depth of the tissue.
- Training images were scanned using a Leica AT2 Scanner at 40X.
- Slides should be scanned at least at 20x, with information about the pixel size and magnification saved in the header (“openslide.mpp-x”, “openslide.mpp-y”, “openslide.objective-power” from Leica and Aperio scanners, or tiff-based format headers with “tiff.ImageDescription” with “MPP” and “AppMag” fields are accepted. “svs” and “scn” formats have been tested). Filenames: Please use alphanumeric characters, underscore and dash only (No brackets, space, or no other characters should be used in the filename)
For more information about the in vivo experimentation methodology behind the training sets, please refer to Shadaloey et al, JoVE 2022 [].