Outputs table:
- Total tumor area and non-tumor area: total number of pixels assigned each label, at 20x (most scanners have a pixel size around 0.5 um / pixel at this magnification).
- Tumor_percentage: Tumor_Area / (Tumor_Area + Non-Tumor_Area)
- Tumor_avg_probability: The AI assigned each tile a probability of belonging to a certain class (tumor, non-tumor, artifacts, other). The probability of all tiles is averaged and given here.
- Nb_tumors: Total number of tumors (estimated as individual sets of non-connected tumor regions)
- Nb_tumors_500px_Dia_or_more, Nb_tumors_1000px_Dia_or_more, etc …: Total number of tumors with a diameter above 500px, 1000px, etc…
- List_of_tumor_areas: detailed list of all measured tumor areas
- List_of_tumor_diameter: detailed list of all measured tumor diameter (estimated by the average of the min and max axis)